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So I’ve been tagged…

September 25, 2008

by my flyy and fab-as-hell internet homeskillet Muze.  You guys should really check her out.  She’s a fantastic writer with a book that is due to come out soon.  When it drops, you will all know.  TRUST ME.  LOL.  She has two blogs, one fact, one fiction, so go!

Anyway, here are the rules as I know them:

1. When you receive the prize you must write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back
2. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs (or even more) that you find brilliant in their content or design.
3. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with ‘honest weblog’
4. Show a picture of those who awarded you and those you give the prize (optional).
5. And then we pass it on!

Now for my mean honesty streak.  Yes some of this may be TMI, but hell, I figure I’d share it with you all.

– I  live with my dudeguy who is the absolute antithesis to who you probably think I would date.  He is also the smartest and most interesting person I know.  Even with the 5 cats.  I thought they would drive me nuts, but they’re actually a fun and furry bunch.  *god, I sound like a cat lady*

– I haven’t been to church since my broken engagement last year (not including dad and grandma’s funerals last October) and I don’t think I’m going back.  If He’s really up there, I’m sure He’ll understand.  If not, that’s cool too.  My grandma (RIP) would be so upset with me if she knew that I stopped going, but Jesus and I haven’t seen eye to eye for quite some time.

– I really need to find a hypnotherapist to cure me of my dermatillomania.  I’ve been tearing up my face, shoulders, and back for years and it really needs to stop.  I just don’t know how to stop it.  Damn these compulsions of mine.

– My daddy (who I miss terribly -RIP) wanted a boy.  I’m actually named after him…well, his middle name, (Ali —> Alicia).  Because of his disappointment that, I have a lot of mannish tendencies.  I curse like a sailor, I’m extremely casual around people I know (yes, it’s exactly what you think – LOL), I love muscle cars, and am fully capable of arguing/conniving/fighting my way out of a lot of situations.  I hung out with the ‘SC football boys while I was going there – and not in the groupie way; I mean with sweats on and beer in hand.  I pride myself on all of this.  It is the reason that I waited this long to wear skirts and dresses willingly (and it still feels strange).

– I hate BET.  There’s really nothing else I can say about that.

– Going to FIDM was one of the best and most expensive things I have ever done.  Even though I don’t work in the industry (right now), I’ll never regret going.

– I am a tightwad.  I don’t know why I started this shoe shopping obsession, but secretly, I wish I had paid down my student loans.

– I finally learned how to say “no” without feeling badly and it is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me.

– I’m a homebody.  My typical night is watching my normal television line up that starts at 6:00 and ends at 12:30.  Most of that line up is animated.

– My mother is an absolute fox.  If the rumors are true, I’m looking forward to being fine as hell at 50+.

Okie dokie, I think that’s it for now.  Millions more are swimming in my head, but I don’t want to bore you all to death.   Anyone else want to partake?  I would tag/link people, but I’m tired as hell right now.  LOL.

My blog’s new home is up; you should go there.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. September 25, 2008 10:54 pm

    awww. thanks girlie. *smiles*

    i feel like i know you so well now! lolol.

    first… OMG i pick at myself like nobody’s business! i am always so embarrassed to admit i have an issue though. lol. the ex used to go CRAZY seeing me do damage to my face. ugh.

    forgive my ignorance, but what is fidm?

    i’m a homebody tooo. loves staying in.

    wow @ five cats. i’m allergic. i’d die! cats are scary to me anyway. lol.

    dudeguy is such a cute name for your bf.

    i can’t imagine you cursing like a sailor… wow! but you know what, no one imagines that i can curse like i can… but get me mad and i swear every other word is f*cking this and that. lol.

    boooo BET. i won’t say HATE, but strongly dislike is a definite. lol.

    you like the boondocks? i can watch that all night, no breaks. lol.

    and.. are you on twitter? i just joined and it’s kinda cool.

  2. ceecee permalink
    September 26, 2008 12:42 pm

    how old ‘is’ you? I thought you were about 19 and in college, and I’m reading about your student loans? lol

  3. September 29, 2008 10:29 am

    The government is giving bail outs to corporations and they should be bailing out our students loans.

    Maybe it could be retribution for our forty acres and a mule, no?

    i hate EBT television as well…

    Sorry to hear about your dad and granddad.

    not one. but 5 cats? Dang…

    Not a tightwad. I love spending. Especially at FiveBucks…Starbucks.

    I love home; but I need to leave my apt. at least once a day or I’ll go batty…

    thank god I no longer believe that I will meet the devil at the gates of hell because I don’t do church.

  4. September 29, 2008 7:25 pm

    Because I love and know you dearly, I am aware of most of these intimate facts…however, I was still over here eating it up like hot cakes.

    And yo’ mama is fine.

  5. September 29, 2008 7:55 pm


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